
Regular press conference of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on October 22


Q: it is reported that on the 21st, U.S. Secretary of state Peng Peio said that the Chinese government has extended its long arm to the U.S. enterprises to exercise jurisdiction, steal intellectual property rights and force technology transfer, which makes it difficult for many U.S. enterprises to make profits in China. What is China's response to this?

A: as you all know, "long arm jurisdiction" is a unilateral sanction tool and bullying act of the United States against foreign entities and individuals in accordance with its domestic law. Abuse of "long arm jurisdiction" should be regarded as an "intellectual property right" of the United States. China has always been firmly opposed, not interested, not to mention "stealing".

When it comes to the so-called difficulty for American enterprises to make profits in China, I think you may recall that not long ago, the US China Trade Commission issued the 2019 China business environment survey report, which mentioned that 97% of the American enterprises interviewed said they were profitable in the Chinese market, 74% of the member enterprises of the American Chamber of Commerce in China plan to further expand their investment in China, the vast majority, more than 95% Shanghai said it was not required to transfer technology to China. So I don't know where the conclusion of Mr. pompeio that you just mentioned comes from.

Q: on the 21st, Shi cande, deputy assistant defense chief of the United States, said at the Beijing Xiangshan forum that the United States did not seek to "decouple" from China, nor did it ask any country to select a side station. What the United States is trying to do is to rectify and rebalance China US relations. What is China's comment on this?

A: as China has pointed out many times, it is neither rational nor realistic for China and the United States, two countries with such huge economies and such deep interdependence, to "decouple" or "close" each other. "Decoupling" from China means decoupling from opportunities and the future. We believe that the US side is clear about this truth.

Open integration is the right direction. China is constantly expanding its opening up to all countries, including the United States. At the same time, China hopes that the United States will open its door to China and reduce all kinds of unreasonable restrictions, which is in the interests of both China and the United States and in line with the expectations of the world.

Q: China is seeking countervailing sanctions on the grounds that the United States has failed to comply with the WTO ruling. Will this affect the ongoing China US economic and trade consultation?

A: please ask the competent department about your question.

Q: Facebook founder Zuckerberg said yesterday that his company has noticed that Russia, Iran and China are trying to intervene in the US presidential election next year. What's your comment on this?

A: isn't it the first time that China has intervened in the US election? That's ridiculous.

China has always adhered to the principle of non-interference in the internal affairs of other countries. We have never had any interest in interfering in the internal affairs of other countries, including the American election. If someone says that China interferes in the U.S. election, then the evidence comes!